So I have been trying to get an answer to this situation and I have tried a slew of functions from countifs, sumifs and its not working as I had hoped.

What I am trying to do: I have two tabs in excel one for a metrics deck, the second holding raw data. on the deck I have Week date ranges (week 19, week 20 ETC, with dates like 4/08/2024), I need the QTY totals of columns B-C*-1 (In sheet 2) to show within specific date & location, what the QTY stock is.

Metrics Deck

Sample Raw Data

1 Answer 1


Try using SUM() or SUMPRODUCT() functions:

enter image description here


Or, Using BYCOL()

=BYCOL(F1:M1,LAMBDA(α, SUM((D2:D31>=α)*(D2:D31<=α+6)*(A2:A31="TX")*B2:C31)))

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