its been a long time since I used Excell so my thinking may be complety wrong, but this wont work. Am I using the wrong Syntax for LibreOffice Calc

=IF(M3>$'Shipping Profile'.$A$3,then $'Shipping Profile'.$B$3,
IF(M3>$'shipping profile'.$A$4,then'Shipping Profile'.$B$4,
IF(M3<$'Shipping Profile'.$A$5,then$'Shipping Profile'.$B$5,)))

Shiping Profile is a sheet in the same work book

  • 1
    get rid of all the references to then it's implied in the formula. (otherwise you would need to use else also)
    – gns100
    Commented May 23 at 15:46

1 Answer 1


The syntax for IF should be

=IF( condition, true_result, false_result )

However, since you've got nested IF statements you may prefer to use IFS:

=IFS(M3>$'shipping profile'.$A$3, $'shipping profile'.$B$3, M3>$'shipping profile'.$A$4, $'shipping profile'.$B$4, M3<$'shipping profile'.$A$5, $'shipping profile'.$B$5)

The syntax for IFS is a list of (condition, result) pairs:

=IFS( condition_1, result_1, condition_2, result_2, …, condition_N, result_N )

And if you want the equivalent of else, use a TRUE condition at the end of the list.

Note that in both Excel and LibreCalc, as you start to enter a formula the application will prompt you with the structure and short description of the expected parameters.

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