I'm experiencing difficulty trying to use FreeRDP.

I have Debian 12 (Bookworm) running on my server at home. I did "sudo apt-get install freerdp2-x11" and "sudo apt-get install freerdp2-shadow-x11".

Then I started the RDP server with "sudo freerdp-shadow-cli /bind-address: /sec:rdp /may-view /may-interact -auth". It responded "Listening on []:3389".

Then I went to my Windows 11 desktop (in the same room, at, started Windows' RDP and connected to "". It connected right away, but the screen was (and remained) entirely black.

Back on my Debian machine, the terminal was continuously reporting "[ERROR][com.freerdp.server.shadow.x11] - X11 error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) Error code: 8, request code: 49, minor code: 0" over and over.

1 Answer 1


akallabeth at the FreeRDP github site said to just use:


Worked perfectly!

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