I'm a software engineer trying to test some things. Would appreciate if anyone knows how to do this on Mac OS.

  • AFAIK, the best you might get within those browsers is to spoof the time zone. In Firefox, there are add-ons that claim to do so, though I have not tried them. There might have been an item in about:config for general.timezone, but it appears to have been removed. Commented May 8 at 20:06

2 Answers 2


Put your testing environment into a virtual machine, for example UTM or Parallels, and disable time synchronisation with the host/internet.


No need for virtual machines.

If you are testing something manually, e.g. in Chrome, you can change time information temporarily in Dev tools (F12) -> kebab menu icon kebab menu icon -> More tools -> Sensors -> Location.

If you are using an automation tool, it might also have a built-in option for setting timezone. E.g.:

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