first I checked powercfg /lastwake and it showed 0

, and then I checked powercfg /devicequery wake_armed it showed None because I just disabled the mouse and keyboard to wake up my system.

And then I also checked powershell with Get-ScheduledTask | where {$_.settings.waketorun}, all the shown options are Disabled

And I also changed my system sleep model to S3 (Is that what it's called?) using the code reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power /v PlatformAoAcOverride /t REG_DWORD /d 0 but it can't help.

When I checked the system Event Viewer, it showed some information, But the Kernel-Power still shows that my system woke up because of the Input Mouse. And, before the Kernel-Power there always have 2 information from Netwtw10, which showed: 7025 - Dump after return from D3 before cmd and 7026 - Dump after return from D3 after cmd.

Did I do something wrong? I really have no idea why my laptop always woke up after 1 min and every time, I must shut down to avoid this, is there anyone could help me please :)

  • Update your power driver, go to the regular settings (Start Settings), make sure your power plan is the Balanced plan. Restore it to defaults. Restart, set up the Balanced plan and test. Zero issues here on two production Windows 11 Pro machines.
    – anon
    Commented May 6 at 12:17


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