So I checked my Event Viewer > System, and found this 566 message from Kernel-Power:

The system session has transitioned from 1 to 3. Reason InputAccelerometer

So am I understanding this correctly: it's going into sleep mode (1->3 (which is S2)), BECAUSE an input device's ACCELEROMETER is making it SLEEP?

  1. This device does not have any accelerometers, and I only have a cheap printer and a cheap monitor and a cheap office mouse plugged in.
  2. How can a motion sensor, trigger sleep, via motion? I understand if a wake is triggered by an accelerometer, but how does -acceleration-, sleep the pc?

Perhaps there is some misbehaving driver/app (like from some VR headset -- which is 1000% not even in the house right now)?

  • Is Visual Studio installed on the computer? I think that can have some emulators installed for some systems which have accelerometers. Commented May 5 at 16:58
  • Actually, I'm surprised that when I came in later (with sleep disabled) and unlocked this pc, it gave me "The system session has transitioned from 7 to 9. Reason InputAccelerometer " --- this was definitely me -- either the mouse or keyboard. Still doesn't explain why "input / accelerometer" would CAUSE sleep though. (or I completely misunderstand the wording of these messages.. Commented May 5 at 21:55


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