I have an Excel-workbook containing two sheets:

  • One sheet contains the names of students with their evaluation enter image description here

  • And a second sheet containing the "mappings" between the criteria and the possible values with their corresponding score enter image description here

So basically, I need to lookup the name of the criteria in the Students-sheet to "return" the columns of the criteria. Within these colums, I need to look for the value and return the corresponding score.

Based on my 'Students' sheet, how can I calculate the total score for each student?

Thank you very much!

3 Answers 3


Easiest is using named ranges:

On 'Scores'

  • Select A2 through B4, name it Crit1
  • Select C2 through D4, name it Crit2
  • Select E2 through F4, name it Crit3

On 'Students' apply this formula on the right most column:


Alternativly, you can do it without the named ranges:

=XLOOKUP(Students!C2, Scores!$A$2:$A$4, Scores!$B$2:$B$4) + XLOOKUP(Students!D2, Scores!$C$2:$C$4, Scores!$D$2:$D$4) + XLOOKUP(Students!E2, Scores!$E$2:$E$4, Scores!$F$2:$F$4) 

Drag down for all students.

EDIT: Since there's about 18 criteria, you might want to consider a slight change to your 'Scores' sheet, make it like such: Scores SHeet

Then try this formula:


Adjust range accordinly.

  • Thank you very much for your reply! Is it possible to make the repeating XLOOKUP's variable, so I don't have to repeat this?
    – Sam
    Commented Apr 29 at 12:31
  • I meant if there are a lot more criteria. I'm sorry for the confusion
    – Sam
    Commented Apr 29 at 13:10
  • @Sam how many are we talking? Or is it variable through time?
    – Excellor
    Commented Apr 29 at 13:33
  • about 18 criteria
    – Sam
    Commented Apr 29 at 13:52
  • @Sam I added a simple solution, if you have the possibility to change your scores sheet a bit, and you're using the same criteria.
    – Excellor
    Commented Apr 29 at 14:12

You can also use LAMBDA function:

LAMBDA(a,b, a+ XLOOKUP(INDEX($C$2:$E$3,,b), 
INDEX(Scores!$A$2:$F$4,,2*b-1), INDEX(Scores!$A$2:$F$4,,2*b))))

This formula is easy to scale up. 3 means the number of criteria, the range C2:E3 represents student ratings, Scores!A2:F4 represents the whole "mapping".


Here is my proposal, using one single dynamic array formula, which will spill for the whole data in sheet Students:

enter image description here

• Formula used in cell F2


You will need to increase the range as per your suit.


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