My current USB drive (256gb) is formatted in Mac and is an encrypted APFS file system made in Disk Utility. I recently started using Windows 11 and I would like to transfer and access files between Windows and Mac. I am also getting a 2tb external SSD (usb-c) to use as a larger backup disk.

How can I encrypt my USB drive and external SSD so that those can be accessed by both Windows and Mac?

  • 4
    Windows has zero support for APFS. MacOS and Windows both support Veracrypt and exFAT.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Apr 27 at 0:50
  • Unless storing very large media files, exFAT would not be recommended because it's a purpose-built filesystem specifically designed to store large video and photo files - I explain why in this and this comment. ext3/4 would likely be recommended since Windows and Mac both support the filesystem with software (Windows: WSL or Paragon's LinuxFS)
    – JW0914
    Commented Apr 27 at 2:37


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