I am running ddrescue to rescue a Windows 10 drive to a new SSD from a gparted media drive. I ran it successfully the first time with:

sudo ddrescue -f -d -n /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /path/to/map.log.

I wanted to run it a second time but in reverse to scrape as much data as possible from some bad sectors.

sudo ddrescue -f -d -n -R /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /path/to/map.log.

But the process finishes immediately

Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
     ipos:         0 GB, non-trimmed:        0 B,  current rate:       0 B/s
     opos:         0 GB, non-scraped:        0 B,  average rate:       0 B/s
non-tried:         0 kB,  bad-sector:        0 B,    error rate:       0 B/s
  rescued:    109604 GB,   bad areas:        0,        run time:          0s
pct rescued:   100.00%, read errors:         0,  remaining time:         n/a
                                time since last successful read:         n/a

Is there a way to make it run a second time or should I save the data to an image, run the second and third time with scrape, and then write the image to the new SSD with rsync?

  • 1
    pct rescued 100%, there's nothing to scrape? Commented Apr 27 at 1:38
  • There is definetly something to scrape as the disk has 102 Gb of data and only 98 Gb were copied. Commented Apr 27 at 3:12
  • well, not according to ddrescue. scraping will do nothing. Commented Apr 27 at 15:02
  • 1
    The weird part is rescued: 109604 GB, this is 109 TB. Commented Apr 28 at 5:07
  • Good one! Okay, I voting close until we get full story from TS. Commented Apr 28 at 11:45


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