So I am able to successfully change icon to any .exe file that already have its own icon Using resource hacker

And I am talking about icon inside folder icon that is displayed for program when it is opened

Yet I can only change icon of what is displayed inside folder of .exe file which did not have its own icon

Basically this Font Builder https://github.com/andryblack/fontbuilder

As you can see icon inside folder is changed and works perfectly fine But program icon on taskbar and on top let of program window icon stays as unknown/default.

Screenshot here:

enter image description here

And so I wonder is it even possible using resource hacker or any other way to change icons in top left window program part and taskbar?

I mean if someone knows other program or way to do it i am all open for ideas.

1 Answer 1


If you wish to change the icon that is built-in to an .exe file, there are two ways for that:

  • If you can compile the product, replace the icon-file that it uses, which is usually of the .ico type.
  • Hack the .exe and replace the icon inside it.

A product that can help with the second method is the free Resource Hacker:

enter image description here

  • And that's the issue here This program i wanna set icon for have no icon at all And i ask if that is possible to do any way possible? Commented Apr 27 at 3:16
  • I've downloaded the sources, and to my surprise this Qt program has absolutely no icon. I looked at the sources, and there is not one .ico file, the sources don't contain a call to QWindow::setIcon and there's not even a resource-file .rc. On my computer the executable FontBuilder.exe has some default icon that's different than yours. Conclusion: Setting an icon would require changes to the sources and re-compilation, and I don't know if this is worth the bother. You might signal this to the developer, although he hasn't answered in 2023.
    – harrymc
    Commented Apr 27 at 8:28
  • If my answer was helpful, please consider marking it as accepted (click the ✔ sign).
    – harrymc
    Commented Apr 27 at 8:29
  • OK Thx As much as i want to changed it More important thing for me was i missing something/doing something wrong Or is there lack of means for me to do what i want So since fault is not on my side i gonna live with that default/lack of icon Again THX for clarifying Commented Apr 29 at 4:35

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