I built a new pc and after adding the GPU, noticed that pc loses power shortly after display is turned off by power options due to inactivity. I used the same pc with the igpu only for a week where i didn't face this issue.

In the event viewer there is only a entry about unexpected power failure/shutdown.

Any suggestions to troubleshoot this issue is appreciated.

Pc parts: Ryzen 5 5600x , MSI B650S wifi , Gigabyte RTX 4070 windforce , G Skill Flare x5 ram

  • So, you are not turning the screen off yourself, but it is being turned off by the system power settings? Typically, you should check for updated drivers and firmware as a first step troubleshooting this sort of thing. Also, check that your PSU is appropriately sized for your components. Commented Apr 23 at 23:45
  • Can you replicate this issue any other way? For example - manually turning off your monitor, putting your PC to sleep, etc. Also I'd recommend re-inserting the GPU + making sure the power cable is plugged all the way into it and the PSU, as well as updating GPU and monitor drivers.
    – Matt M
    Commented Apr 23 at 23:47
  • GPU drivers are up to date, only chipset/igpu drivers were not up to date and I updated them now. Fault is only there if it is left unattended/inactive for a period of time. (Sleep is set to never). I have 650W Corsair PSU and tried several benchmarks to stress test. Didn't face this issue during the benchmark. I also tried reseating the GPU and cables after first fault which didn't help. I will update if chipset drivers made any difference.
    – MertN
    Commented Apr 24 at 7:51
  • Verify in Event Viewer under Windows Logs > System, is pc loosing power or just cant wake out of whatever sleep it triggers(once or for each that event?). You say your sleep is set to off, is there a pattern in minutes of inactivity when this is triggered?
    – Danijel
    Commented Apr 28 at 3:54


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