I want to change the shortcuts for my chrome built-in search engines. As you can see in the picture below I have changed the bookmarks search from the default of @bookmarks to :b, however there is no longer a pencil icon on the right side of the bookmarks row. I want to modify the shortcut for the bookmarks again.

How do I do that?

I am using latest versions of chrome and brave on windows as of 2024/04/23

missing edit button

What have I tried so far?

  • Using grep on the userprofile folder to try and find keywords relating to these search engines, in the hope of finding a .js file with settings to edit, similar to firefox.
  • Googling how to change chrome search engines. (Every result is just how to use the gui to modify the user added search engines, not the built-ins like Bookmarks)
  • Searching stack overflow for similar questions. (I have not found anything relating to this problem)

1 Answer 1


I'm having the same issue.

This is a bug introduced as of Chromium M124. Link to bug tracker record below. I'd suggest you use the +1 on the upper right to indicate that you're impacted as well. This helps the devs prioritize items that need to be fixed.


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