The first problem I have is that I have a timestamp in one cell which includes the date and time and I would like to know if there is any automated way to separate them into 2 different columns (Date and time).

The other problem is a bit complicated and pardon me for explaining this issue poorly. I have 2 worksheets to work with one includes the data. I would like to copy the "Activity" in sheet A (the one with data) to sheet B based on the date and the number.

Sheet A

This is my sheet A with the data.

Sheet B

This is sheet B that I need to work with. So as you can see the dates on sheet A is in rows and sheet B in columns. So I would like to input the data of "Activity" based on the "Number" (in this example 20981) and put in the correspondent date. I have been typing the data manually and I have over 8000 rows to go through so please help if there is a more automated way of working.

  • 3
    Is this excel or google spreadsheets? Choose one or the other.
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Apr 19 at 21:07
  • @DavidPostill Currently using Excel however the data is in google sheets but it can be copied to excel with no problems. i use both tags just in case if there is an easy solution to either. If there is a solution to either using google or excel I would like one. I am okay to use either or. Thank you for the comment
    – Rahidir
    Commented Apr 19 at 21:46
  • 1
    I would reccomend using Excel Power Query if you have Office 365. You could format date/time columns to date, although can have just one header. Then you can unpivot the date column.
    – bugdrown
    Commented Apr 20 at 0:31

1 Answer 1


Date and time:

Excel uses a "floating point" number to store both of these together. The fraction portion telling the time of day, the integer portion telling how many days away you are from a base date.
(See the base date by entering 0 in a cell and format it as Date)

The easiest way to simply display them in separate columns:

  • Select the cells which are to show the date,
  • hold CTRL and hit 1 to open the "Format Cell" dialog,
  • then select Date and choose how to display the date.

Now add or select a column to display the times,

  • insert =A1-INT(A1) as a formula, assuming A1 holds the first date,
  • then use Format Cell above and select a Time format for this cell,
  • copy the cell to the relevant places (i.e. column, fill down).
  • Alternative: =TEXT(A1,"HH:MM") and no formatting.

Enter new Date & Time -values, or edit existing ones in "A1"-column... and see the second column update accordingly

To use each of date and time separately in formulas: use TEXT(A1,...) to get a character string representation of either.

For moving from column to row for certain data; look into using TRANSPOSE().

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