Windows 11 shows scrollbars with a margin between them and the edge of the screen. This makes it hard to grab, especially for people with mobility issues.

A simple fix would be to allow grabbing the scrollbar all the way to the edge - either by drawing it there, or just by extending the active mouse area to the edge.

Is there a way I can do that?

1 Answer 1


Is there a way I can ..... allow grabbing the scrollbar all the way to the edge

Most likely not.

However, you can make scroll bars wider which is the way this problem is normally addressed. This is, I think, the easiest way to make the scrollbars easier to grab.

Wide Scroll bars

One cool hidden feature of Windows that shouldn't be is the ability to change the width and height of scrollbars in Windows 10 & 11.

We should note that the scrollbars won't change in modern UI apps, including Settings, Start Menu, or Windows Store apps.

You also have to edit the registry, so make a backup first.

Navigate to: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics

Look for ScrollHeight or ScrollWidth on the right. The default value is -252.

You can enter a number from -120 (smaller) to -1500 (larger).

If you want to set a specific pixel size, use -15 x the width you want in pixels.

For example, the default size of -255 using 17 pixels would be -15x17 = -255

Using the method in the article, you can adjust Scrollbar Height for horizontal scrollbars and Scrollbar Width for vertical scrollbars.

  • Thanks. What's the difference between ScrollHeight and ScrollWidth? Also, what do you recommend for "modern UI apps"? Commented Mar 29 at 18:07
  • There is a registry key in the article in my answer Scroll Height and another for Scroll Width.
    – anon
    Commented Mar 29 at 18:16
  • Yes, but what does setting ScrollHeight do? Commented Mar 29 at 18:28
  • 1
    Scroll Height is for horizontal scroll bars and Scroll Width is for vertical scroll bars
    – anon
    Commented Mar 29 at 18:30

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