I've been working on a locked-down version of Firefox and need to disable certain keyboard shortcuts. Clarification: I'm the employee locking it down for my employer for use by our customers on a platform we own. I'm not trying to sidestep software security on a company- or school-owned platform.
In the past I've done this by modifying the omni.ja file or by using extensions, but was trying to do this by following Benedikt Köppel's instructions on using Firefox's AutoConfig feature. It's working great with the key bindings listed under mainKeyset, but I'm so far unable to modify those listed under devtoolsKeyset.
I can see the devtoolsKeyset key bindings in the Browser Toolbox, but not when I check view-source:chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml (I suspect for security reasons)...which I imagine is the problem. But I wanted to see if this could still be done with AutoConfig.
Also, I know I can disable DevTools with a registry setting, but I can't guarantee registry permissions in the environments this browser will be used.
I would comment directly on Benedikt's post, but I just now created this account to ask this question and do not yet have the requisite reputation.

  • Is this software locked down by your employer or school, on a computer owned by them? Please better explain the reason for this client software being locked down. Also, re the other question: You ask your own questions in your own posts, you do not ask questions on other people's posts. Each person gets their own questions in their own posts. Commented Mar 25 at 23:38
  • 1
    I'm the employee locking it down for my employer for use by our customers on a platform we own. Many of our customers have web-based applications, but do not or aren't capable of supplying their own locked-down browser, so for many years we've been providing those customers a customized locked-down version of Firefox Portable ESR. We're using the portable version because software is not allowed to be installed directly on the shared workstations. The latest version I produced was FFP v78. Unfortunately, this version is now very old and our customers require a newer version.
    – eugaet
    Commented Mar 26 at 14:24


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