I have some images (photos) and there are duplicates but no matter how I sort them they are scattered because of resolution and irregular naming.

I tried gm compare but can't figure out which metric to use or which values would indicate a match.

Heres examples of an image that looks exactly the same but the second one is 2x resolution (better quality):

gm compare -metric MAE "7920068.jpg" "7920034.jpg"
gm compare -metric MSE "7920068.jpg" "7920034.jpg"
gm compare -metric PAE "7920068.jpg" "7920034.jpg"
gm compare -metric PSNR "7920068.jpg" "7920034.jpg"
gm compare -metric RMSE "7920068.jpg" "7920034.jpg"

Image Difference (MeanAbsoluteError):
           Normalized    Absolute
          ============  ==========
     Red: 0.1751787015    11480.3
   Green: 0.1168407563     7657.2
    Blue: 0.0029600541      194.0
   Total: 0.0983265040     6443.8

Image Difference (MeanSquaredError):
           Normalized    Absolute
          ============  ==========
     Red: 0.0910979679     5970.1
   Green: 0.0274231091     1797.2
    Blue: 0.0000203617        1.3
   Total: 0.0395138129     2589.5

Image Difference (PeakAbsoluteError):
           Normalized    Absolute
          ============  ==========
     Red: 1.0000000000    65535.0
   Green: 0.7803921569    51143.0
    Blue: 0.0784313725     5140.0
   Total: 1.0000000000    65535.0

Image Difference (PeakSignalToNoiseRatio):
     Red: 10.40
   Green: 15.62
    Blue: 46.91
   Total: 14.03

Image Difference (RootMeanSquaredError):
           Normalized    Absolute
          ============  ==========
     Red: 0.3018243991    19780.1
   Green: 0.1655992426    10852.5
    Blue: 0.0045123979      295.7
   Total: 0.1987808163    13027.1

with graphicsmagick identify i found these values

          |image a        |image a @2x    |image b
  Minimum:|  0.00 (0.0000)|  0.00 (0.0000)|  0.00 (0.0000)
  Maximum:|255.00 (1.0000)|255.00 (1.0000)|255.00 (1.0000)
  Mean:   |175.81 (0.6894)|176.00 (0.6902)|117.79 (0.4619)
  Std Dev:| 65.59 (0.2572)| 65.73 (0.2577)| 61.55 (0.2414)
  Minimum:|  0.00 (0.0000)|  0.00 (0.0000)|  0.00 (0.0000)
  Maximum:|255.00 (1.0000)|255.00 (1.0000)|255.00 (1.0000)
  Mean:   |161.58 (0.6336)|162.47 (0.6371)| 99.07 (0.3885)
  Std Dev:| 71.14 (0.2790)| 71.26 (0.2794)| 64.94 (0.2547)
  Minimum:|  0.00 (0.0000)|  0.00 (0.0000)|  0.00 (0.0000)
  Maximum:|255.00 (1.0000)|255.00 (1.0000)|255.00 (1.0000)
  Mean:   |153.59 (0.6023)|153.27 (0.6010)|104.50 (0.4098)
  Std Dev:| 71.65 (0.2810)| 71.67 (0.2811)| 60.09 (0.2357)

looks like i can use these values to compare, the image a files have very similar values compared to image b, just need to get a good threshold to indicate what might be a match

I'll use these images as an example:

  1. different image BOSS8
  2. subject image BOSS1
  3. subject image at half size BOSS12

and here's their output:

gm identify -verbose BOSS-1.jpg   
Image: BOSS-1.jpg
  Format: JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)
  Geometry: 591x1049
  Class: DirectClass
  Type: true color
  Depth: 8 bits-per-pixel component
  Channel Depths:
    Red:      8 bits
    Green:    8 bits
    Blue:     8 bits
  Channel Statistics:
      Minimum:                     7.00 (0.0275)
      Maximum:                   255.00 (1.0000)
      Mean:                       89.97 (0.3528)
      Standard Deviation:         79.68 (0.3125)
      Minimum:                    11.00 (0.0431)
      Maximum:                   255.00 (1.0000)
      Mean:                      108.55 (0.4257)
      Standard Deviation:         70.34 (0.2758)
      Minimum:                     8.00 (0.0314)
      Maximum:                   255.00 (1.0000)
      Mean:                      126.50 (0.4961)
      Standard Deviation:         68.28 (0.2678)
  Resolution: 72x72 pixels
  Filesize: 129.6Ki
  Interlace: No
  Orientation: Unknown
  Background Color: white
  Border Color: #DFDFDF
  Matte Color: #BDBDBD
  Page geometry: 591x1049+0+0
  Compose: Over
  Dispose: Undefined
  Iterations: 0
  Compression: JPEG
  JPEG-Quality: 93
  JPEG-Colorspace: 2
  JPEG-Colorspace-Name: RGB
  JPEG-Sampling-factors: 2x2,1x1,1x1
  Signature: 06a764225a290be783b0b3b90c72356f71b0032af8f58e88857c33d6e59b8ccc
  Profile-EXIF: 74 bytes
    Exif Offset: 26
    Color Space: 1
    Exif Image Width: 591
    Exif Image Length: 1049
  Tainted: False
  Elapsed Time: 0m:0.011805s
  Pixels Per Second: 50.1Mi

$ gm identify -verbose BOSS-1-50.jpg
Image: BOSS-1-50.jpg
  Format: JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)
  Geometry: 296x525
  Class: DirectClass
  Type: true color
  Depth: 8 bits-per-pixel component
  Channel Depths:
    Red:      8 bits
    Green:    8 bits
    Blue:     8 bits
  Channel Statistics:
      Minimum:                     7.00 (0.0275)
      Maximum:                   255.00 (1.0000)
      Mean:                       89.34 (0.3504)
      Standard Deviation:         78.83 (0.3091)
      Minimum:                    12.00 (0.0471)
      Maximum:                   255.00 (1.0000)
      Mean:                      107.87 (0.4230)
      Standard Deviation:         70.29 (0.2756)
      Minimum:                    14.00 (0.0549)
      Maximum:                   255.00 (1.0000)
      Mean:                      125.77 (0.4932)
      Standard Deviation:         68.19 (0.2674)
  Resolution: 72x72 pixels
  Filesize: 44.2Ki
  Interlace: No
  Orientation: Unknown
  Background Color: white
  Border Color: #DFDFDF
  Matte Color: #BDBDBD
  Page geometry: 296x525+0+0
  Compose: Over
  Dispose: Undefined
  Iterations: 0
  Compression: JPEG
  JPEG-Quality: 93
  JPEG-Colorspace: 2
  JPEG-Colorspace-Name: RGB
  JPEG-Sampling-factors: 2x2,1x1,1x1
  Signature: 2c12437d162d8bf92ad49497e2644ca3a5edd9d3c8947d44445a5923565123cc
  Profile-EXIF: 74 bytes
    Exif Offset: 26
    Color Space: 1
    Exif Image Width: 296
    Exif Image Length: 525
  Tainted: False
  Elapsed Time: 0m:0.002051s
  Pixels Per Second: 72.3Mi

$ gm identify -verbose BOSS-8.jpg   
Image: BOSS-8.jpg
  Format: JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)
  Geometry: 584x1050
  Class: DirectClass
  Type: true color
  Depth: 8 bits-per-pixel component
  Channel Depths:
    Red:      8 bits
    Green:    8 bits
    Blue:     8 bits
  Channel Statistics:
      Minimum:                     0.00 (0.0000)
      Maximum:                   255.00 (1.0000)
      Mean:                       91.51 (0.3589)
      Standard Deviation:         85.21 (0.3341)
      Minimum:                     0.00 (0.0000)
      Maximum:                   255.00 (1.0000)
      Mean:                      110.18 (0.4321)
      Standard Deviation:         83.58 (0.3278)
      Minimum:                     0.00 (0.0000)
      Maximum:                   255.00 (1.0000)
      Mean:                      132.97 (0.5214)
      Standard Deviation:         87.69 (0.3439)
  Resolution: 72x72 pixels
  Filesize: 180.5Ki
  Interlace: No
  Orientation: Unknown
  Background Color: white
  Border Color: #DFDFDF
  Matte Color: #BDBDBD
  Page geometry: 584x1050+0+0
  Compose: Over
  Dispose: Undefined
  Iterations: 0
  Compression: JPEG
  JPEG-Quality: 93
  JPEG-Colorspace: 2
  JPEG-Colorspace-Name: RGB
  JPEG-Sampling-factors: 2x2,1x1,1x1
  Signature: 9d12ad4d93d1c8d219d41ef9755984bcb151a8de502c70279aea4b69202c99d1
  Profile-EXIF: 74 bytes
    Exif Offset: 26
    Color Space: 1
    Exif Image Width: 584
    Exif Image Length: 1050
  Tainted: False
  Elapsed Time: 0m:0.016498s
  Pixels Per Second: 35.4Mi
  • 1
    What is your operating system ?
    – harrymc
    Commented Feb 26 at 19:31
  • @harrymc macos 12.7.3 i use mac port to get graphicsmagick
    – yarns
    Commented Feb 28 at 15:28
  • 1
    once i get a solution i'll write a script that goes through all of the files
    – yarns
    Commented Feb 28 at 15:34
  • 1
    The article How to delete duplicate photos on Mac recommends using Gemini 2 for removing duplicate and similar photos, if that's a suitable solution.
    – harrymc
    Commented Feb 28 at 15:37
  • i'll try that thanks, the exif tool helps but some of the images were sourced from different places and don't have matching metadata
    – yarns
    Commented Feb 28 at 16:03

2 Answers 2


You can try normalizing the images by resizing them to have a square aspect ratio with a known resolution. Comparing the normalized images results in quite low values (~100) for the MSE metric:

$ gm convert -geometry 1000x1000! same-big.jpg norm-same-big.jpg
$ gm convert -geometry 1000x1000! same-small.jpg norm-same-small.jpg
$ gm convert -geometry 1000x1000! different.jpg norm-different.jpg

$ gm compare -metric mse norm-same-big.jpg norm-same-small.jpg
Image Difference (MeanSquaredError):
           Normalized    Absolute
          ============  ==========
     Red: 0.0015487693      101.5
   Green: 0.0009830381       64.4
    Blue: 0.0015041910       98.6
   Total: 0.0013453328       88.2

$ gm compare -metric mse norm-same-big.jpg norm-different.jpg
Image Difference (MeanSquaredError):
           Normalized    Absolute
          ============  ==========
     Red: 0.0829284628     5434.7
   Green: 0.0682458298     4472.5
    Blue: 0.0753763994     4939.8
   Total: 0.0755168974     4949.0

You could easily turn this into a script that takes two filenames, normalizes them, compares the normalized images, and then reports back the original filenames if the difference is close enough.

  • could you post the compare for the same-big image. edit: oh my bad i see what you did
    – yarns
    Commented Mar 18 at 6:55
  • also is the MSE the metric for the job?
    – yarns
    Commented Mar 18 at 6:56
  • I can't figure out how to pipe two gm convert into gm compare so i can resize the images in memory without using any temp files
    – yarns
    Commented Mar 18 at 15:55
  • sorry, took way too long, after half an hour I still hadn't compared 3% of the files
    – yarns
    Commented Mar 18 at 16:29

Not an answer, but other bases for comparison:

  • Use GraphicsMagick to get the image size, and compare the horizontal and vertical ratio. There could be a small delta due to rounding errors, but the ratio should be the same for an image rescaled to a different size. See also this for similar question.

  • Use ImageMagick to extract similar information, which may be more amenable to comparison.

  • Use exif tool to extract the EXIF data. If an image is made from another, with the option of retaining EXIF data, and if the original had that data, the data should be substantially the same in both.

    EXIF data

  • the images are all from cameras which produce the same width/height ratios :S
    – yarns
    Commented Feb 28 at 15:30

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