I would like to charge a Lenovo YogaBook laptop while using the data port. This isn't supported by the laptop unless I am wrong. I have followed some tutorials which supposed to work but it didn't.

I have tried adding a USB connection which does charge but the batteries get too warm and Windows doesn't show it is charging at all. I am afraid to rely on this strategy.

This is my first attempt at modifying hardware so I know I have bypassed some important steps.

I would appreciate any direction offered.

  • 2
    A USB 2.0 port doesn't supply much power - you might need a powered USB hub. Does this defeat your purpose in posting this?
    – harrymc
    Commented Feb 18 at 18:44
  • It might help everyone if you told us which Yoga Book you have (model, etc.)
    – vssher
    Commented Feb 19 at 6:38
  • If your laptop supports a USB-c dock, that should allow charging and data connections simultaneously. Complex electronic equipment modification for first timers probably isn't a good fit on this site. Commented Feb 20 at 18:58
  • Thanks for all the responses. Sorry it has taken so long to respond. I'll be more diligent. I have the YB1-X91F Windows 10 version. It has only a single USB 2.0 port. I have two of these and I don't mind experimenting on one of them. I have already attempted a hack which I don't trust. Commented Mar 2 at 5:36
  • I don't think a powered dock will work. I believe that will provide extra power for downstram peripherals only. I want to charge my laptop while using it to access data on peripherals. If there is a different hub I am intersted. Commented Mar 2 at 5:47


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