When using the bclm command[1] to change the max charge setting for my M2 Mac's battery. I am suddenly getting the error:

❯ sudo bclm write 90
keyNotFound(code: "BCLM")

bclm is installed with Homebrew and up to date.

❯ which bclm
❯ bclm --version

What does this mean? How do I fix it?

[1] https://github.com/zackelia/bclm

1 Answer 1


The shell you're using must be running in arm architecture. (i.e., it can't be using rosetta.)

You can check by running arch.

This will not work with bclm:

❯ arch

This will work:

❯ arch

My specific problem was I had accidentally set my zsh to /usr/local/bin/zsh which automatically uses rosetta to run in i386 architecture. I needed to switch it back to /bin/zsh and then all worked fine.

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