I'm using an automatic disk restoring system with Clonezilla via USB key. My USB key is partitioned in two different device: the first partition with the ISO of the disk I want to restore (labeled as ISO) and the second one with the Clonezilla (labeled as CLONEZILLA). I wrote an entry to automate the restore using all the parameters that I need. Below you can read the problematic piece of the entry.

ocs_prerun="mount /dev/sda1 /home/partimag"

The problem is, sometimes the ISO device is detected as sda1 and sometimes as sdb1. Is there a way to specify the label of the device to mount? Something like /media/user/ISO used in Linux. I can't find the answer to this question anywhere.

  • When this mount runs, are /dev/disk/by-uuid/ and other /dev/disk/by-*/ (or similar) directories available and populated? If so, use a proper file (symlink) from therein instead of /dev/sda1. Or does this mount support -U? See the answers to how to mount by UUID without using /etc/fstab. Or maybe you can modify fstab in the first place (I totally don't know). Commented Feb 2 at 9:16


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