I want to add a conditional formatting to a cell. In that cell I have a formula that provides 2 dates. The dates in the cell look like this 01/12/2024 and 01/24/2024.

Originally when I had 1 date in that cell I've used this formula in Conditional Formatting =AND($L$13>0,$L$13<TODAY()) to give me a color Red if it was past due and for Orange I would use =AND($L$13-TODAY()>=0,$L$13-TODAY()<=3) if this date was coming up in 3 days.

Can't figure out the formula to add into Conditional formatting for 2 dates in that same cell. What would the formula be for 2 dates in one cell?

  • Show us how these dates look in a cell and which date should the format refer to?
    – MGonet
    Commented Jan 30 at 13:33
  • @MGonet unfortunately I cannot add an image the site keeps giving me an error but the dates in the cell look like this 01/12/2024 / 01/24/2024 Commented Jan 30 at 13:58
  • 1
    Have you tired using 2 separate conditional formatting rules? Put the one which turns the cell red in first, then put a second one turning them orange in after that. The order is key as one rule will override the other.
    – BradR
    Commented Jan 30 at 14:13
  • You can upload an image to imgur.com and link to it. Someone with enough reputation will likely embed it for you Commented Jan 30 at 14:28
  • 1
    Having "two data" (dates or whatever) in a single cell will always be troublesome, unless JUST for DISPLAY. Just avoid it.
    – Hannu
    Commented Jan 30 at 17:40

1 Answer 1


Assuming that your computer recognizes this format as a date and that it is the first date, try this formula in the formatting for red color:


and similarly for orange replace $L$13 with --LEFT($L$13,10)

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