• Environment: I use VirtualBox 7.0.12. Both the host OS and the guest OS run Windows 10. VirtualBox Guest Additions are installed.
  • Problem: my host has a 3840x2160 resolution. I want my guest to have a 1920x1080 resolution. How can I achieve that?
  • Constraint: I don't want to lower the host OS resolution.
  • Motivation: the virtual machine is lagging a bit with that 3840x2160 resolution.

What I've tried: I switched to the full screen mode, but I don't have the option to select 1920x1080 display resolution in my guest OS:

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


In the VM menu in VirtualBox:

  1. Disable the full screen mode (if it was enabled).
  2. View>Virtual screen>Resize to [size] to choose a new size in pixels.
  3. Select "Scale to 200%" option in the same menu.

Scaling the 3840x2160 screen to 200% will yield a 1920x1080 resolution:

enter image description here

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