I have received this disk image from a embedded linux device. I need to mount the image and check some files on it. This is what I have tried so far:

> hdiutil attach -nomount ~/Downloads/dskimg.img
/dev/disk3              FDisk_partition_scheme
/dev/disk3s1            Windows_FAT_32
/dev/disk3s2            Linux

Then trying to mount it to a folder:

> diskutil mount -mountPoint ~/mount /dev/disk3s2
Volume on disk3s2 failed to mount
If you think the volume is supported but damaged, try the "readOnly" option

I wrote the image to SD card, but after that I don't see any file systems or anything after mounting it. I have set up macFUSE to be able to see linux file systems.

1 Answer 1


Just figured it out I had to use ext4fuse specifically to mount.

ext4fuse /dev/disk3s2 ~/tmp/MY_DISK_PARTITION -o allow_other

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