for some reason I'm accidentally delete C:/Windows/Installer folder on Windows 11 and don't have a system restore point, I've already tried reset this PC with keep data enabled and it doesn't seems to fix the issue and windows security going blank, what do I need to do? Do I need to totally reset the PC without keeping the data?

  • First try downloading the Windows 11 ISO, microsoft.com/software-download/windows11, and put it on USB, using Create Windows 11 Installation Media. Then try reinstalling from USB, keeping all files, which should preserve data and apps. To be safe, I'd make a disk image first, lest something go wrong... Commented Jan 14 at 4:32
  • @DrMoishePippik is it really need to use a usb? because my usb quite questionable Commented Jan 14 at 4:37
  • 1
    c:/Windows/Installer isn’t used by Windows, anything in that folder, can be regenerated eventually by Windows. Its a cache folder, it’s needed, but not the end of the world.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jan 14 at 4:44
  • @Ramhound but some reason I get a few issue like, C++ 2008 won't update then I reset the PC with data keep and then the windows defender completely won't work, it's blank, scanning show page isn't available pop up Commented Jan 14 at 4:46
  • 1
    @RickyNolep - C++ 2008 hasn’t been supported for 10 years. So there are no updates in 2024. Windows Defender being blank is not likely related
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jan 14 at 4:47


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