Update: tcpdump shows only ARP traffic with nc generating ARP traffic who has 192.168.254 tell but tracepath says tell Fedora who has is pingable but 264 is not. Fedora is the host where I am doing the ping.

I have put a Fedora 39 and a Bitnami PostgreSQL 15 (15.5.0-r3) on Debian 11 on an internet.

traceroute -T, tracepath and ping will find the PostgreSQL host but nc won't eg:

Ncat: no route to host.

So what gives?

Note: All but ping will have -p 1531 appended after the address. Yes the port number is 5432. Man page says nc defaults to TCP.

  • No. The fedora has 2 nic's but 1st is a nat open to internet Commented Jan 11 at 18:54
  • I don't see why they would allow up to 4 nic's if they could not support parallel use. Commented Jan 11 at 19:06


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