I am using Ungoogled-Chromium Version 120.0.6099.129 (Official Build, ungoogled-chromium) (64-bit) on Windows 11 Home v22H2 b22621.2715. I downloaded the installer from here - https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/releases/windows/64bit/120.0.6099.129-1

It doesn't allow me to play DRM content like Netflix/AppleTV/Prime etc.

For e.g. Apple TV website gives the following message when I try to play a show/movie.

enter image description here

I did stuff as per the FAQ https://chromium.woolyss.com/#widevine

  1. My settings for protected content chrome://settings/content/protectedContent

enter image description here

  1. I downloaded the zip file from https://dl.google.com/widevine-cdm/4.10.2710.0-win-x64.zip & unzipped it

  2. I enabled developer mod in the browser settings & loaded the unzipped directory

I see this on chrome://extensions/

enter image description here

In errors, I see the following enter image description here

What do I need to do to play DRM content?

  • 1
    “What do I need to do to play DRM content?” - Your not going to like the answer…use a supported browser
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jan 7 at 5:29
  • 1
    @Ramhound as per the FAQ, you are allowed to play it if you install the Widevine PLugin ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-wiki/…
    – user93353
    Commented Jan 7 at 5:40
  • 1
    The example Chromium version in that FAQ is from more than 3 years ago. Based on the output you provided I don’t believe that FAQ is applicable in 2024. In fact the error specifies the reason it’s not working, the extension is manifest version 2, which has already been retired. You’ll have to wait until the extension is updated to support manifest version 3
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jan 7 at 6:04
  • @user93353: (1) It's reported that Drm works on ungoogled-chromium version 120. Are you on that version and did you get it from here? (2) This link might be useful.
    – harrymc
    Commented Jan 25 at 9:35
  • @harrymc I am on version 120. However after that post, Chromium changed their manifest structure - the manifest in that WideVine binary is still the older version
    – user93353
    Commented Jan 26 at 2:57

1 Answer 1


If you need an open-source browser which is otherwise 100% google-free (if you change the default search-engine, that is) and guaranteed to support Widevine, take a look at Firefox.

It also has the advantage to have very good privacy options, and to be developed by a non-profit.

I'm not affiliated in any way with Mozilla, just a user.

  • 1
    I was using firefox for years. It's no longer that usable. Quite a few sites don't work well with it - it's no fault of Firefox - most developers now test only against Chrome. I moved to ungoogled-chromium because of this after years & years of using Firefox because of this
    – user93353
    Commented Feb 1 at 2:00

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