I run command to convert WEBP into GIF but it's a bit "glitchy". Do I miss something?

  • Debian: 11.8
  • ImageMagick: 6.9.11-60 Q16 x86_64 2021-01-25
convert -delay 10 sample.webp -loop 0 -layers optimize animation.gif

Another demo sample works fine like Rainbow Nyan cat.

  • Hello, what's the point of the delay param? Anyways, let me guess, you're not using an up-to-date version of IM? If you are, what system are you on and how did you install IM? As it works perfectly fine on the latest one for me - no lost frames.
    – Destroy666
    Commented Jan 7 at 23:40
  • Oh, I forgot to mention those versions. Added it to main post
    – Zakikun
    Commented Jan 8 at 1:36
  • Yeah, that's not up-to-date IM. Start by upgrading then let us know if that still has the problem. From what I see you'll have to build 7.1 from source. Make sure to enable anything related to WEBP/GIF support.
    – Destroy666
    Commented Jan 8 at 1:55
  • Update IM and it works fine. I added delay param because the duration between frames playing weirdly while I'm using old version of ImageMagick to convert the webp. The latest one (v7.1.1-26) can just ignore this param.
    – Zakikun
    Commented Jan 8 at 2:21

1 Answer 1


The installed ImageMagick (6.9.11-60) on your system is too out of date.

Update to a more recent version of ImageMagick like version 7.1.1-25.

This appears to work fine in my version ImageMagick (7.1.1-25) that is installed via Homebrew on macOS 14.2.1 on a MacBook Air (M2; 2022). Below is the output of the exact same ImageMagick command as you shared:

convert -delay 10 sample.webp -loop 0 -layers optimize animation.gif

My guess is your ImageMagick (6.9.11-60) is just too out of date to properly handle WEBP animations since WEBP is a very new image format and is in very active development.

enter image description here

Here is how the same exact command works with the Rainbow Nyan cat image you shared. Looks fine to me! (Note: That Nyan cat is a GIF that was converted from a WEBP; please ignore the message in its graphic text.)

enter image description here

  • 1
    I'm dumb. I didn't realize it and checked the software version first. v7.1.1-26 works fine.
    – Zakikun
    Commented Jan 8 at 2:16

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