My two external hard drives were manually unplugged from my Windows 10 laptop last night, presumably by my roommate, either that or I'm losing my mind/sleepwalking. I'm really curious and I searched through Event Viewer looking for some kind of sign, but I can't find it. Where would I find this event of a USB device being unplugged? Thanks.

  • Probably (a) if the drives are noisy, otherwise (b)(i). Or do you not mean physically unplugged? Commented Dec 31, 2023 at 19:17

1 Answer 1


Try searching the Windows Event Logs with a third-party tool such as Nirsoft's free FullEventLogView or an alternative, to get a flat view of the numerous separate logs.

FullEventLogView Search

The image above shows the result of a search in FullEventLogView for the string usb, for all events in the last two days.

  • Click on Options to select Advanced Options.
  • Check all Event Levels.
  • Set the time period for the search.
  • Select Show only events with the specified event description strings, and Search in the full description string.
  • Click OK.
  • Click the Refresh button or press F5 to run the query again.
  • I tried FullEventLogView. Cool program but unfortunately there's nothing I can find that relates to the devices being unplugged no matter how I search it, even just going through the events unfiltered. There are logs of me plugging them in and accessing them this morning, but nothing else in the last day that I can find. The thing is, whether it was me that unplugged them or not, I know I was accessing data on them last night, so they definitely got unplugged sometime over the last 12 hours and yet I can't find it. Maybe the system just doesn't log those events?
    – tonyd1234
    Commented Dec 31, 2023 at 17:43
  • @tonyd1234 maybe the drive was not plugged in yesterday
    – jsotola
    Commented Dec 31, 2023 at 22:01

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