Sheet 1 has Month, Day and Year while Sheet 2 has Year and Day. If the data of Year in Sheet 1 and 2 are matched I want to copy the Day values from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2. Is it done by VLookup and how?

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  • What do you expect to see in column B of Sheet2? Commented Dec 13, 2023 at 21:26

1 Answer 1


You could use vlookup, however you would need to have your search criteria in the first column from your range to be searched, eg Sheet 1 as : _ | A | B | C --- | --- | --- | --- 1 | 2 | Year | Month | Day 3 | 1988 | 12 | 25 ... Then you could use the formula:

sheet2!B3 = vlookup(A3,sheet1!a2:c7,3,0)

Yet I prefer index(match()), more flexible, and typically with your example, you can use it without reordering columns:

sheet2!B3 = index(sheet1!B:B,match(A3,sheet1!C:C,0))

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