Have been playing around the tool HTTrack and trying to mirror a website. The website has a home page that require simple username password login. I have successfully downloaded the authenticated cookies.txt needed to pass through the login page. With these options -%v -n -s0, I managed to mirror everything within the authenticated home page. But then there are tabs within the home page like: <a href="/homepage/config.navlink.tablink">Config</a>. All these tabs remains unauthenticated, and HTTrack copied an unauthenticated login page for these tablinks for me instead. It looks like to me that the cookies.txt didn't get apply to deeper links.

Home Page(Authenticated and Everything mirrored) --> tablinks in Home Page --> Login Page(unanthenticated, cookies.txt doesn't work)

Tried with options -Y and tried including +*.tablink for wildcard option.


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