I want to suppress the on-screen indicator that pops up every time I push the capslock key (as well as a few other keys) for an Acer Swift Edge 16. It's annoying in games.

In the past, I was able to suppress these icons by renaming the icon files in the Acer Quick Access application; however, there seems to have been an update as those files no longer match the appearance of the on-screen indicators. Turning the "OSD" setting in regedit to "0" also had no effect. Uninstalling the latest Quick Access program had no effect. Re-installing the program from Acer's support website, had no effect. Sometimes, the on-screen display appears to be malformed with it being overly cropped and 50% further left than center, but upon reboot it tends to fix itself.

enter image description here

Update: Despite Acer Quick Access having been uninstalled, it continues to appear in the Services app (run services.msc) and Task Manager.

In Task Manager, ending the top task causes the indicator to be malformed. Ending the bottom task causes the indicator to go away. Task Manager

In Services.msc, this was set to automatic. Changing to Manual did not change anything after reboot. Disabling fixed the problem. Quick Access, still launches when set from Automatic to manual


1 Answer 1


There have been multiple advice given in other posts that I found, so here is a list. I don't have Acer so cannot check if any of them works today.

  • In folder C:\Program files\Acer\acer quick access\images, rename CapsLock_OFF, CapsLock_ON, NumLock_ON and NumLock_OFF. (I assume that this is what you have been doing up to now.)

  • In the Services applet, disable the system services of "Quick Access Service" and "Quick Access Local Service", then reboot.

  • Launch Task Manager, select the task QAAdmin and click the End Task button to close this task. The task will return on the next reboot.

  • Thanks but the first bullet (file renaming) is what I mentioned not working anymore in the second part of my question.
    – rfii
    Commented Nov 27, 2023 at 22:06
  • The second and third bullets should have been taken care of by uninstalling Quick Access, but they're still in both the Services app and Task Manager!
    – rfii
    Commented Nov 27, 2023 at 22:06
  • Disabling the Acer Quick Access Service in Services.msc did the trick! (which is sort of your second bullet)
    – rfii
    Commented Nov 27, 2023 at 22:16

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