I'm trying to connect to RiseupVPN on my Macbook Pro M2 running macOS 14.1 Sonoma. I downloaded the branded BitmaskVPN client from them, and with 2 nondescript errors in the installation, I launched it, and saw it fail to connect as I tried dozens of times. Luckily, RiseUp has a tutorial on how to access the VPN with Tunnelblick.

Ordinary macOS download page
"OpenVPN for Mac" tutorial

I configured Tunnelblick exactly as the tutorial would have me, just substituting my name and preferred VPN gateway. /Users/rocky/Library/RiseupCA.pem was where I put their certificate, and the file /Users/rocky/Library/Application\ Support/riseup.ovpn is the following:

dev tun
remote vpn15-sea.riseup.net 1194
remote-cert-tls server
ca /Users/rocky/Library/RiseupCA.pem

I get these repetitive error messages about a TLS failure.

2023-11-24 20:26:39.659916 TLS Error: Unroutable control packet received from [AF_INET]<IP_ADDRESS>:1194 (si=3 op=P_ACK_V1)
2023-11-24 20:26:41.961382 TLS Error: Unroutable control packet received from [AF_INET]<IP_ADDRESS>:1194 (si=3 op=P_CONTROL_V1)
2023-11-24 20:26:41.961567 TLS Error: Unroutable control packet received from [AF_INET]<IP_ADDRESS>.55:1194 (si=3 op=P_CONTROL_V1)
2023-11-24 20:26:45.382749 TLS Error: Unroutable control packet received from [AF_INET]<IP_ADDRESS>.55:1194 (si=3 op=P_CONTROL_V1)
2023-11-24 20:26:45.382938 TLS Error: Unroutable control packet received from [AF_INET]<IP_ADDRESS>:1194 (si=3 op=P_CONTROL_V1)

How can I resolve these issues so that I can use the VPN?

External links

sizeofcat's blog post on this process
A very similar issue to mine from 10 months ago


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