I wanted to create a shortcut to directly get to the specific windows settings page where I can turn off the "real-time protection" temporarily.

enter image description here

There seems to be a windowsdefender://threat shortcut which is close enough, just leaves me one click away from where I want to be.

So I wondered if this URI scheme actually allows to get to my originally intended page, and what would be the path for that setting?

I can't seem to find any documentation on what all paths windowsdefender://xxx has, except a few pop up in the dropdown list when creating shortcuts:

enter image description here

The few options that pop up seem to indicate a rich structure to the paths and query strings that might allow to reach deep pages with a single shortcut.

So my question is, can someone provide information on all the available shortcuts and paths within the windowsdefender://xxx scheme?

And is there one that reaches the "Real-time protection" settings page directly?

2 Answers 2


There's a good updated list of the URLs here, but they change as windows defender updates, so not all of the ones listed are still available: https://www.winhelponline.com/blog/windows-security-windowsdefender-urls/

The direct shortcut to the page in your screenshot is windowsdefender://threatsettings/

There's also a shortcut to re-enable protection directly: windowsdefender://enablertp


You may use PowerShell to disable and enable Microsoft Defender real-time protection.

To disable :

Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true

To enable :

Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $false

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