How to disable popup menu when switching tab list (Ctrl+Tab) in Kate?


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1 Answer 1


That is inherent in switching tabs, you do Ctrl+Tab and it brings you up a list to choose from.

You can always use Alt+Right & Alt+Left to cycle through each tab.

If you really want to disable the switching tab list, then:

  1. Settings->Configure Keyboard Shortcuts
  2. Search for tabswitcher->Last Used Views
  3. Choose Custom & ensure None is selected.
  • Thanks for the answer. I removed the hotkeys from Last Used Views and set Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to KateNext Tab and Previous Tab. But the only problem that remains is that when you press Ctrl+Tab on the last open tab, it does not jump to the first initial tab (you cannot press only Ctrl+Tab to switch to all tabs in a circle), you have to press Ctrl+Shift+Tab to return to previous tabs.
    – moninah
    Commented Nov 4, 2023 at 8:00
  • Yup, it is a pain that it is not circular. You could always raise a bug/enhancement request for it. Commented Nov 4, 2023 at 9:32

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