What Excel formula can I write so it will look for the same project in Column B in Column I and place the YTD matching the project from Column J in Column C in the table below?

A            B               I         J
Name       Project         Project   YTD
Junior     7500             9100     5000
Luis       9100             7500     15000
Danny      2000             0500     1000 
Jose       1000             1000     250
Lina       0500             2000     7505

3 Answers 3


Using XLOOKUP() would be better if you have access to Excel 2021/MS365

enter image description here

• Formula used in cell C2

=XLOOKUP(B2:B6&"",I2:I6,J2:J6,"Not Found")

Suggested to use XLOOKUP() because of several reasons, here are some outlined below:

  • Exact match is the default.
  • Integer-based third argument of VLOOKUP is now a proper reference.
  • IFNA is built-in to handle missing values.
  • XLOOKUP() has no problem going to the left.
  • XLOOKUP() can do HLOOKUP().
  • It can return a cell reference if the XLOOKUP() is next to a colon such as XLOOKUP();XLOOKUP()
  • It can perform a two-way match like INDEX(,MATCH,MATCH) does.
  • It can find the last match by searching from the bottom.
  • It can find next-smaller or next-larger match without sorting the table.

The syntax of XLOOKUP() read here more from MSFT documentations. There are 5/6 examples shown as well.

=XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode]) 


You can combine IFNA, INDEX and MATCH functions to retrive the result(s). Try the following formula:




VLOOKUP will do what you want.

In cell C2 enter this forumula: =VLOOKUP(B2,$I$2:$J$6,2,FALSE)

Then copy that down to the rest of the cells in Col C.

enter image description here

VLOOKUP will match the value from Col B (first parameter of the forumla) to a value in Col I (the left-most column of the lookup range).

$I$2:$J$6 is the lookup range, where your lookup values are. The $ are very important as they indicate to use the same lookup range when copying the formula to cells in Col C.

The 2 in the 3rd parameter tells Excel to return the value from the 2nd column of the lookup range.

False (default for the 4th parameter) says to use an exact match.

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