My data is look like,

enter image description here

As you can see, I used the label column in order to group my data and rows with the same label belongs to the same group in this way. Now I want to sort each group based on data on the column "value". For example, I want the above table to be converted to,

enter image description here

Using Sort & Filter will sort the entire column without considering the label column. Furthermore, the label column goes till 250 and there are also about 20-30 repetition in label numbers. Can you please help me to do this task efficiently?

2 Answers 2


On the Ribbon, go to the Home Tab > Sort & Filter > Custom Sort


In the Sort dialog box, make sure the check box for "My data has headers" is checked; then, sort by "label", click Add Level, then by "value" and click OK.





In the Sort procedure you can define levels. So your first level is 'label' and the second level is 'value'.

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