I did an NMAP today on Desktops at different sites. Some of those Desktops show TCP port 999 being open with Garcon. I then ran wireshark (5-10 mins) and saw no traffic going to/from it. Does anyone have any information on what port 999 Garcon is for/doing?

Thank you.

  • 1
    many of the ports below 1024 were registered for software/protocols that are long dead, so looking up the IANA port-numbers list is often not helpful for less than common ports. Commented Oct 25, 2023 at 22:08

1 Answer 1


Run netstat -aon | find ":999" - it'll show you the process ID of the listening process.

Then you open Windows Task Manager and look for that PID under Details (may require right clicking on the column header and Selecting PID).

  • That worked! Thank you so much. Turned out to be FortiProxy Commented Oct 25, 2023 at 20:41

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