I have a Mac Mini running onHigh Sierra that I'm using as a media PC (running on a generic Sansui TV) I'm having a resolution switching issue.

Problem I have is that if/when the Mac starts before the TV, VLC launches and then when the TV fires up, VLC is playing in the top left 80% of the screen, so I would need to then remote in (using anydesk) and manually full screen it.

I am assuming that the Mac doesn't detect the display while it is off and defaults to a higher resolution, then when the screen is detected, the mac adjusts its resolution to the TV native res (1366x768)

I have the Mac set to auto start at a certain time, Launch VLC and start a playlist full screen. then shut down at a certain time.

I also have the TV set to start at a certain time (still trying to get it to start at the correct time, before the mac) and then it shuts itself off after a while of "no signal"

Is there any way to force the mac permanently to one resolution only? Maybe delete all other resolutions in the Plist or something. or possibly make a script that can check when the resolution changes to then launch VLC so VLC launching is delayed... or even just delay the launch of VLC?

1 Answer 1


Try setting up an Automator Application, which you can then add as a login item.
Set a pause to give your TV time to start up, followed by launching VLC.

enter image description here

If the Mac can't detect any display, it's unlikely you can lock it to a given resolution beforehand, so I think you'll have to wait until the display is available. VLC isn't smart enough to detect the resolution change, but the Mac should be.

  • would VLC start and then auto run the playlist at full screen, or should I just set the automator to run the playlist file? Commented Oct 19, 2023 at 10:24
  • You'd have to load & play the playlist, same as you do now.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Oct 19, 2023 at 10:42
  • so I have the .m3u running as a login item. that in tern launches VLC, so not sure how to set the automator to launch the file and not just the VLC application Commented Oct 19, 2023 at 11:38
  • It's not something i'm familiar with, but see apple.stackexchange.com/questions/281447/…
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Oct 19, 2023 at 11:53

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