In LibreOffice Writer on Windows 10 Pro, to get an en dash it's possible to use Autocorrect and "--", and it's also possible to call Unicode and type "2013" Alt+x. I don't use Autocorrect. The second method is okay, but it's lengthy. Is there a shorter keyboard combination, similar to Alt+- in Microsoft Word (where "-" is the minus on the numberpad)?

  • In my Kubuntu the keystroke to get is AltGr+- and it works in all programs because the keyboard layout (Polish in my case) is nice enough to handle this out of the box. I think a keyboard layout rich in such symbols is a neat way, programs don't need to care about , , ² etc. each for itself (e.g. I have typed all these into my browser just like I can type ó or ś). What is your OS? Some details of your question make me believe it's Windows, but this should be explicitly stated (e.g. by adding a proper tag). Please edit the question and add this information. Commented Oct 16, 2023 at 12:01

1 Answer 1


For a single character like the en dash, you can:

  1. record a macro in which the en dash is added using the combination Alt+0150 (that is, hold down the Alt key while typing the four numbers on the keypad),
  2. go to Tools > Customize > Keyboard, and
  3. modify a desired Shortcut Key to run the recorded macro (which should be buried someplace in the "Application Macros" category).


  • Use of 2013 Alt+x will result in a macro that inserts 2013 rather than .
  • It may be necessary to go to Tools > Options > Advanced and check Enable macro recording under the heading "Optional Features" for macro recording to be available.

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