In Excel, I have data like this:

enter image description here

I want to put together a formula that counts the rows where Col1 is "a" or "b" and Col2 is "c" or "d". I highlighted the rows that should be included. The result should be 4.

I've tried a few options:

(1) Using COUNTIFS with multiple possible values. This returns 2 instead of 4. I don't know why


(2) USING COUNTIFS which each possible combination of filters. This works, but the formula is long. And the size of it will explode if I add more filters with more possible values


(3) ChatGPT answer. This returns 0 instead of 4. I got this from ChatGPT. It gave me a few different formulas that would return either 0 or 1.

=SUMIFS(C2:C7, A2:A7, {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g"}, B2:B7, {"b","c","d","e","f","g","h"})

I'd also like a formula that sums column "N" for rows that pass this filtering. Can someone give me a hand with this?

Here's the data as text

Col1    Col2    N
b   c   1
a   c   2
a   d   3
b   d   4
b   e   5
c   e   6

3 Answers 3


When Using arrays in COUNTIFS if the arrays are the same direction (Horizontal vs Vertical) it will do them in pairs.



Is like doing:


To get all variations, make one vertical and the other horizontal


Which will now do all four variations:

enter image description here

Now the Caveat: This only works with TWO arrays. Trying to add a third will put it in sync with one of the other two. So to do OR with more than two arrays will take a different formula.

  • Thank you for your help. Your caveat answered my followup question. I'm going to have to find another solution. Commented Sep 22, 2023 at 17:40

Use a formula like this:


This way you can use as many conditions as you need.
But SUMPRODUCT is slower than COUNTIFS.


I've tested many combinations but these two works without any failure, so I would like to recommend these two:


  • Adjust cell references & criteria as needed.

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