Alright so I am using PAL3.0 aka Purdue Airlink and have random connection drops very frequently where it will go to 0 B/s Up and 0 B/s Down and persist for a while and sometimes will it resolve itself. Also to note, when I am using my home network I NEVER have this problem it is only a thing when I am at campus and using the unis network.

I used journalctl -f to check out whats going on. I am seeing 3 reoccurring msgs when my wifi drops.

First I see this message but I have observed that it normally prints this before the next two I will mention every time connection drops: Using degraded feature set UDP instead of UDP+EDNS0 for DNS server

Then I normally see one of these two alternate: Using degraded feature set TCP instead of UDP for DNS server || Using degraded feature set UDP instead of TCP for DNS server

What I have done so far: Set DNSSEC=no in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf and restarted and the msgs and connection problem still prevail.

Let me know anything yall need to help me troubleshoot or any solutions you guys know of. Thx.

  • 1
    it is only a thing when I am at campus and using the unis network. ..... Have you asked University IT? Do other students nave an issue with this network?
    – anon
    Commented Sep 6, 2023 at 18:23
  • that's the annoying thing, i called them and they said "since it deals w linux we don't have anyone qualified to help you"
    – jjcrispy
    Commented Sep 6, 2023 at 18:28
  • I don't know how we can help. Linux systems I have (Ubuntu and Kali) connect to wired and wireless networks just fine. But I do not know anything about your network specifications there.
    – anon
    Commented Sep 6, 2023 at 18:32
  • yeah i might just migrate to ubuntu at this point and i dont think i will have problems there until im sufficient in debugging this stuff on my own for arch
    – jjcrispy
    Commented Sep 6, 2023 at 18:43


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