The setup is fairly simple, it's Windows Server 2019, with hMailServer as a mailserver, and IIS hosting RoundCube, and of course, PHP.

Sending mails work fine, but when the attachment gets over like 30-50 MB, they get sent, but it isn't displayed in the body.

Here's what I've done to increase the size

  • Increased Size in SMTP of hMail
  • Increased MaxContentLength in Request Filtering of IIS
  • Increased max_post/max_upload (Not the actual variables) in php.ini
  • Increased size in RoundCube config

I have disabled all the plugins in RoundCube since the mails wouldn't even be sent with the plugins

Is there a certain plugin to resolve this or does RoundCube have limitations in attachments other than the IIS' limit?

Being able to send about 500MB max would be the best for me.

  • Does the vendor offer Squirrel Mail as well. I can choose either. Squirrel Mail may possibly help you.
    – anon
    Commented Aug 21, 2023 at 14:28


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