
I'm running:

du -h

These are the results:

112K    ./YaST2/storage-inst
172K    ./YaST2/storage-03
56K     ./YaST2/storage-02
48K     ./YaST2/storage-01
60K     ./YaST2/storage
64K     ./YaST2/control-03
64K     ./YaST2/control-02
64K     ./YaST2/control-01
64K     ./YaST2/control
11M     ./YaST2
2.8M    ./zypp
0       ./krb5
0       ./samba
75M     ./journal/cdb643da53b6499fa275a4527e973a40
75M     ./journal
0       ./private
0       ./mysql
0       ./tuned
100K    ./cups
34M     ./audit
0       ./chrony
4.0K    ./cepces
1008K   ./libvirt/qemu
1008K   ./libvirt
0       ./swtpm/libvirt/qemu
0       ./swtpm/libvirt
0       ./swtpm
4.0K    ./ipp-usb
0       ./speech-dispatcher
17M     ./updateTestcase-2023-08-18-14-05-42
17M     ./updateTestcase-2023-08-19-14-37-57
30G     .

Why is 30G usage reported?

1 Answer 1


By default du shows you directories only, -h does not change this behavior. The high usage you see for . is caused by non-directories (most likely regular files) directly inside ..

Use du -a:

In addition to the default output, report the size of each file not of type directory in the file hierarchy rooted in the specified file. […]


du -ah .

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