When I visit websites that have an EV certificate in FireFox 3.6 - I see this:

alt text

Whereas, I would expect to see this:

alt text

Any idea how I can get FireFox to start displaying EV Certificates correctly? The same websites in IE and Chrome on the same computer display the EV correctly. I can reproduce this on every computer that has FireFox that I have.

2 Answers 2


If you believe that a FOSS program has a bug then you are encouraged to visit their bug tracker and see if someone has reported it already, and if not then to report it yourself.

Mozilla's bug tracker

  • But how do I know that this is a bug, or just some setting I managed to disable? Commented Aug 25, 2010 at 21:14
  • Well... it's a matter of following the patterns. This information is too important to let a setting botch it up, and in the event that it was a setting to hide the information it would still make no sense to show the header along with bogus data. So, a bug either way. Commented Aug 25, 2010 at 22:18

It turns out if you have disabled OCSP (Tools > Options > Advanced > Validation) then EV certificates do not work, because the certificates cannot be validated.

Re-enabling OCSP resolves the issue.

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