I use xrdp running openbox on a Debian 11 virtual machine that does computing and runs several days. I access the vm via Windows RDP.

I wondered that ~ 15 GB are allocated on the hard disk somehow by X/xrdp/openbox (and tint2 as taskbar). After some days of usage and stopping all the computing apps besides a vanilla running openbox there was a additional hard disk usage of ~15 GB as difference between df and du. I could not find out where these additional 15 GB were used (using ncdu).

After I log out from openbox there are 15 GB more free space on the hard disk said by df within a second.

Do you have a clue what is going on and how to fix it? It sounds like a memory leak on the hard disk (and not the RAM).

  • It's probably keeping open a file descriptor of a deleted file.
    – Daniel B
    Commented Aug 12, 2023 at 15:09


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