There is a setting to set how many lines to scroll when you use your mouse wheel. That's OK and I know how to change it. But in some apps I need a finer control, say I want to scroll one line with each step. I just wonder if there's a way to control that, e.g. hold alt key to scroll one line (instead of the 3 lines set in control panel).

4 Answers 4


There are third-party applications such as free X-Mouse Button Control and alternatives that allow changing behavior of the scroll wheel. X-Mouse Button Control has different "layers" (profiles) that can be activated by keyboard or a mouse button.


It depends on the machine and driver. My ThinkPad allows 1 line and higher than 6, so speed is offered. My TrackPoint also has a speed control.

On this machine, the driver is from Elan. Former ThinkPads used Synaptics drivers.

The driver must be compatible with your machine so see if an updated driver for your machine is available.

If such a driver is not available, then you may be out of luck.

Synaptics Drivers are customized for each machine they provide a driver for. This is also true (as far as I know) for other driver manufacturers.

Synaptics driver


A good tool would be Autohotkey or from the Windows store.

To use the Alt key to change scroll speed try this script:

Speed1 = 3
Speed2 = 1
Send {WheelUp %Speed2%}
Send {WheelDown %Speed2%}
Send {WheelUp %Speed1%}
Send {WheelDown %Speed1%}

Many mice and likely other pointing devices, even affordable models, have physical buttons to quickly change their sensitivity, which controls how fast and far the cursor moves per physical movement.

  • This sensitivity is measured in units of Dots Per Inch(DPI).

  • Changing sensitivity on a pointing device combined with setting sensitivity in software can reduce repetitive motions necessary to cover great distances, E.G. over multiple large displays.

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