
Hello. Two days ago, I started trying to update my NVIDIA graphics card, on my Windows 11 laptop, but GeForce Experience kept failing to update it (it kept saying "installation failed". So, I downloaded the driver directly from NVIDIA, but when I ran the install file, it loaded for a very little bit and promptly just closed with no warning of anything. I then proceeded to uninstall everything related to NVIDIA on my PC. I used DDU and NVIDIA's cleanup tool. I then tried to reinstall GeForce Experience and it just said "An unknown error has occurred". I then tried to install the driver itself with the same problem of it quickly quitting. I did notice that when I ran either of the exe files, it would say "Publisher: Unknown".

Suspected Problem

I realized that the problem I was having was almost identical to the issue that I had when trying to install McAfee a few months ago. The solution involved my tech support agent installing a certificate to my trusted root certificates folder. Therefore, I am pretty sure I am missing some certificate. The issue might be larger than this, though.

What I Have Already Tried

I tried installing the driver and GeForce Experience in safe mode .
I tried disabling my antivirus .
I tried running the following commands and then restarting.

  • sfc /scannow
  • DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
  • chkdsk /f /r (no issues)
I tried installing the following certificates from DigiCert.
  • DigiCert TLS ECC P384 Root G5
  • DigiCert TLS RSA4096 Root G5
  • DigiCert CS ECC P384 Root G5

I am not very good at using Event Viewer , but I saw nothing relevant under Application.
I am pretty sure that this is everything that I have tried, but if I remember something that I forgot, I'll add it here.

I would greatly appreciate any help. Thanks

1 Answer 1


I figured it out! First, I ran the following command to get all certificates that Microsoft gives in updates. certutil -generateSSTFromWU roots.sst

I then added all of the certificates in roots.sst to my trusted root certificates and restarted my PC.

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