I came across a very strange situation for me.

I transferred all of the files uploaded on a disk with medical scans (CAT scan) to my flash drive and then from the flash drive to my PC. These are the files: enter image description here

Then I archived all of the files (the whole folder) in order to send them to a friend, but I noticed that after extracting the .exe file no longer opens. Nothing happens after clicking on it. Whereas in the initial folder (which I transferred from my flash drive), the .exe opens a new window.

What's the reason and how can I fix that? Thank you!

Here's the content of the .inf file:

OPEN=autorun.exe /autorun
SHELL\start\COMMAND=autorun.exe /autorun
SHELL\start=Start syngo fastView
  • What are the requirements for the application? If the application cannot be run, then the system you are trying to run it on, doesn't have something installed that is necesary.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 10, 2023 at 21:27
  • @Ramhound. I noticed something else. When I try to open the .exe from inside the archive (using WinRar) the .exe opens (without even extracting). The problem is when I try to open it from the extracted folder. Then it does not open at all. I really don't know what's happening. Commented Jun 10, 2023 at 21:29
  • @Ramhound, I am running the .exe on the same PC (without and after extraction), so I don't think that's the problem. Commented Jun 10, 2023 at 21:30
  • @Ramhound, found something else. Before sending to an archive one of the .exe files which is maybe required for the application to run opens without any errors, but after extraction there is an error message: 'IVT toolkit for 3d could not be initialized'. Is this supposed to happen? Commented Jun 10, 2023 at 21:37
  • 2
    What is autorun supposed to start (look in autorun.inf)? Commented Jun 10, 2023 at 22:22

1 Answer 1


ISTM it would be easier to extract the files to a folder. Then look in the syngo_fV folder and see if there's a file called syngo.exe which appears, is the viewer for your 'Dicom files'.

It may be that DICOMDIR is expected to be in the ROOT of the drive that's used to share the patient data and that this may be the issue when running from the archive or the extracted archive.

EDIT: It's this. If I extract everything to the ROOT of a drive, any drive really, it works as expected as soon as I run autorun.

So for example, if I pick drive x:, autorun.exe, autorun.inf, DICOM, DICOMDIR etc., all need to be in the root of the drive.

EDIT 2: I can make it work anywhere really, but then I have browse for the folder where the DIRCOMDIR file is.

So, click Patient > Patient Browser > click ... button and browse for folder > then I clicked 'Add'.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Then double click autorun, it indicates it's processing DICOMDIR and finally

enter image description here

  • In the syngo_fV folder there are two executable files: 'autorun.exe' and 'syngo_fV.exe', but as I said in one of the comments after unarchiving they both does not open, and one gives an error message: 'IVT toolkit for 3d could not be initialized', which doesn't happen when executing from the initial folder. Commented Jun 11, 2023 at 19:59
  • I see, I missed that. Perhaps download the viewer straight from the source: siemens-healthineers.com/digital-health-solutions/… Commented Jun 11, 2023 at 20:01
  • But doesn't this mean if I want to send the archive to someone, they would also have to download the viewer? Commented Jun 11, 2023 at 20:02
  • Also something interesting that I just noticed: 'autorun.exe' does not open even from the initial folder (as I call it), whereas 'syngo_fV.exe' opens the software from the picture I sent you (syngo). After unarchiving, 'syngo_fV.exe' does not open as well. Commented Jun 11, 2023 at 20:04
  • I just cannot grasp what's happening and it seems really strange to me. Commented Jun 11, 2023 at 20:04

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