I have a simple, CPU-bound, mono-CPU application running in a docker container.
Indeed it fully uses a single CPU on the instance when processing work.

As I understand, there are two main approaches to improve the performance of the application:

  • rewrite the application so that it runs natively on multiple CPU
  • run the application as many times as there are CPUs behind a loadbalancer (each instance would process a chunk of the workload)

What are the pros and cons of these approaches? How to select to the ideal one? Are there others?

  • This isn't a bad question, but it doesn't fit here. It needs a forum, where open ended discussion is the norm. Here we need specific, usually practical, questions that can have a single specific answer. Commented May 10, 2023 at 2:36
  • Indeed this is a wide question, but there may be good practices out there for this type of problem. Do you recommend any forum? Are there such forums in SO? Commented May 10, 2023 at 14:44


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