i have a pretty old lenovo ideapad running Windows 10 22H2 and this thing's annoying me, the fact that the synaptics driver is old and there's no PalmKms registry key to enable the touchpad while typing, and i have palm tracking set to low, the driver version is 7.5, here's msinfo32

MSInfo32 page 1 MSInfo32 page 2 MSInfo32 Synaptics Info Synaptics Driver Settings

EDIT : It turns out my fix didn't work it only worked on the login screen tho

1 Answer 1


This is a link to Lenovos answer How to enable and disable your touchpad

I have had problems with drivers on some idea pads not allowing me to turn off the touchpad. I had to update to go back to an older driver.

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    Commented Apr 25, 2023 at 19:52
  • This is actually not the answer i was looking for, i already know about the f6 key, but i'm looking to always keep the touchpad enabled when typing something? ex : i'm playing a game and i can't move my mouse to look around when holding the w key Commented Apr 26, 2023 at 13:00

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