I connect to a Windows 10 PC (the host) over RDP from a Ubuntu Linux machine (the client). On the Linux machine, I mostly use remmina, but I experience the same problem with xfreerdp as well.

This is the problem: once I log in, when I move the mouse pointer over taskbar icons, they do not react (there is no change in background color of the icon on mouseover); and when nothing happens when I click these icons (which should otherwise start a program). This includes also the Start button.

Same with regular desktop icons - they do not react on mouseover (there is no change in background color of the icon on mouseover); and when I double-click them, no program is started.

Basically, in this state, both the desktop and the taskbar icons are "frozen" and do not react. (In this state, I can run a program via Ctrl-Alt-Delete, starting Task Manager, and then doing File/Run new task from Task Manager)

Then, after some 10-15 minutes, there is a visible "refresh" of the Desktop, and suddenly the taskbar icons and the Desktop icons start working!

So, I was wondering - does anyone know of an actual program/service, that I could restart in Windows 10 once an RDP connection is established, so I can get Taskbar/Desktop icons working immediately, without waiting 10-15 minutes for them to "wake up"?

  • 1
    Not sure if this would make any difference, but you could try killing and restarting explorer.exe Commented Apr 20, 2023 at 13:52
  • 1
    When Windows first starts, whether waking from hibernation or cold boot, it performs malware scans that considerably slow the machine. For example, on some dual-boot machines, I find it takes ~5 minutes for the PC to come up to full speed after showing the desktop on Windows, whereas on Linux, as soon as the desktop shows, the machine is ready for work. Perhaps that initial scan causes the issue. Run Task Manager to see if a process is using a great deal of CPU or I/O at startup. If so, see if it can be set to lower priority or killed. Commented Apr 20, 2023 at 16:41


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